Love Grows Here
“Love grows here.”
These words of encouragement rang true when I founded this school in 1987, and still ring true today. The continuous thread of commitment and support from our teachers, staff and other students helps love seed and grow within each of our students here. As the world becomes more connected, we wish to nurture children to become global citizens.
It is this unwavering backbone of support and dedication to help each individual student achieve academic, creative and social success that makes Annie’s School one of the leading English schools in Taiwan. Our students’ accomplishments have only increased over the years, and we hope your children will achieve their remarkable success here in Annie’s School.
– Annie, Principal and Founder
What Recommends Annie's School?
Guiding Success
Innovation and Inclusivity
Unlocking Potential
自1987 年我創立奇異鳥美國學校至今,用媽媽的心經營,讓愛在這裡成長。這一直是我的辦學理念。藉著全體教職員與歷屆學生持續且堅定的奉獻與支持,讓我們不斷將愛的種子種下,並在還孩子的心中生根茁壯。在這個世界距離越來越近的時代,我們希望能培育孩子成為優秀國際公民。
我們竭力幫助幫助每位孩子在學業與人格上的成長-這也使我們Annie’s School 成為台灣最頂尖的美國學校。
歷年來,我們培育了無數的優秀人才。希望您的孩子也能在Annie’s School 達成屬於他們的成就。
一Annie 校長與創辦人